Mini-PCNL in pediatric patients with large renal stones- A safety data
miniPCNL, urolithiasis, nephrolithotomyAbstract
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a recent advancement in the management of urolithiasis, it has now become the gold standard. This study aimed to assess the safety of mini PCNL in pediatric patients with large renal stones. This cross-sectional study included pediatric patients (n=12) who underwent mini-PCNL. Age, gender, number of stones, size of stones, and position in the renal system were documented. The mean age of the patients in the study was 7.67 years. The stones ranged from 10 mm to 20 mm with a mean size of 10 mm. Complete clearance of stones was achieved in 83.7%. 16.7% had incomplete clearance with clinically insignificant residual stones (i.e. < 4mm) requiring no further treatment except follow-up. The major complication in our series was hydroperitoneum in one patient, which was identified and managed by placing the intraperitoneal drain. Patients were discharged from the hospital on or before 3rd post-operative day. The study concludes that Mini-PCNL method is effective, safe, and economical for the removal of renal calculi in the paediatric age group. Further large scale studies exploring methods to lessen its morbidity would be recommended specially in patients with renal stone complications like hydroperitoneum.

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Copyright (c) 2022 KA Khan, WA Memon, JA Jat, AR Jaffery, AH Arain, SE Khalid

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